
Non-Refundable Services

While we strive to offer flexible and fair refund policies, certain services and products at Auckden are non-refundable. This includes any custom services, one-time-use products, and downloadable digital goods. These services are often tailored to individual needs, and as such, cannot be returned or resold. We encourage you to thoroughly review the product or service details before making a purchase to ensure it meets your requirements.

In cases where a service or product is explicitly marked as non-refundable, our team is available to provide support and answer any questions you may have before completing your purchase. We aim to be transparent about which items fall under this category and provide as much information as possible to help you make an informed decision. If you need further clarification on a non-refundable item, please contact our customer support team.

Despite these non-refundable terms, we are committed to ensuring your satisfaction with our services. If you encounter any issues with a non-refundable service or product, we encourage you to reach out to us. Our support team will work with you to resolve any problems and explore alternative solutions that may be available. Your satisfaction is important to us, and we will do our best to assist you within the constraints of our refund policy.

Processing Refund Requests

To request a refund, please contact our customer support team with your order details and a description of the issue you are experiencing. Refund requests should be made within the specified refund period, as outlined in our refund policy. Our team will review your request and determine whether it meets the criteria for a refund. If your request is approved, we will process the refund using the original payment method within 10 business days.

When submitting a refund request, please provide as much detail as possible to help us understand the issue. This may include screenshots, transaction IDs, and any other relevant information. Our support team may contact you for additional information or clarification if needed. By providing complete and accurate details, you can help expedite the review process and ensure a timely resolution.

Refunds are typically processed within 10 business days of approval, but the exact timing may vary depending on your payment provider. Once the refund is processed, you will receive a confirmation email. If you do not see the refund in your account within a reasonable timeframe, please contact your payment provider for further assistance. We are committed to handling refund requests promptly and fairly, and our team is available to assist you throughout the process.

Refund Policy Changes

We reserve the right to update or modify this Refund Policy at any time to reflect changes in our business practices or legal requirements. Any changes to the policy will be posted on our website, and the revised policy will take effect immediately upon posting. We encourage you to review this Refund Policy periodically to stay informed about our current policies and practices.

If significant changes are made to the Refund Policy, we will notify you through email or other communication channels. Your continued use of our services after the changes have been posted constitutes your acceptance of the revised policy. If you do not agree with the changes, you should discontinue using our services and contact our support team to discuss any concerns you may have.

Our goal is to maintain transparency and fairness in our refund practices, and we appreciate your understanding as we make necessary adjustments. If you have any questions or need further clarification about our Refund Policy or any changes that have been made, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to assist you and ensure that you have a clear understanding of our policies and how they may affect you.

Partial Refunds

In some cases, partial refunds may be granted when a full refund is not warranted. For example, if a product or service has been partially used or accessed, we may offer a prorated refund based on the remaining value. This approach allows us to fairly compensate you for the unused portion while accounting for the resources already expended. Our goal is to balance fairness and practicality in addressing your concerns.

To request a partial refund, please contact our customer support team with details about your purchase and the reasons for your request. We will evaluate each case individually and determine the appropriate amount based on the extent of use and other relevant factors. Our support team is committed to working with you to find a reasonable resolution that reflects the circumstances of your situation.

Partial refunds are typically processed within the same timeframe as full refunds, usually within 10 business days of approval. Once the partial refund is processed, you will receive a confirmation email. If you have any questions about the status of your partial refund or need assistance throughout the process, please reach out to our support team. We are here to help ensure a smooth and satisfactory resolution.

Refunds for Subscription Services

If you have subscribed to one of our ongoing services, such as a monthly or annual plan, our refund policy includes specific provisions for subscription services. Generally, you may cancel your subscription at any time; however, refunds for subscription services are subject to the terms of the agreement you accepted when you subscribed. In most cases, refunds are not issued for the current billing period once the service has been accessed.

For new subscriptions, we offer a grace period during which you can request a full refund if you are not satisfied with the service. This grace period is typically 14 days from the date of purchase, allowing you to evaluate the service risk-free. To request a refund within this period, please contact our support team with your subscription details and reason for cancellation. We will process your request promptly.

For subscriptions that have been renewed automatically, we understand that you may forget to cancel in time. In such cases, we may offer a partial refund or credit towards future services, depending on the circumstances and extent of use. Our support team is available to discuss your situation and explore possible solutions. We aim to be flexible and fair, ensuring your satisfaction with our services.

Handling Disputes and Chargebacks

In the event of a dispute regarding a purchase, we encourage you to contact our customer support team directly to seek resolution before initiating a chargeback through your bank or credit card provider. Our team is committed to addressing your concerns and finding a mutually agreeable solution. Direct communication helps us understand the issue and take appropriate steps to resolve it efficiently.

If you choose to initiate a chargeback without contacting us first, please be aware that it may result in additional fees and complications. Chargebacks can delay the resolution process and may negatively impact your account status with Auckden. We strongly recommend that you allow us the opportunity to address your concerns before resorting to this measure. Our goal is to resolve disputes amicably and maintain a positive relationship with our customers.

In cases where a chargeback is initiated, we will work with your bank or credit card provider to investigate the matter. We may provide evidence of the transaction and any communications related to your refund request. If the chargeback is found to be unwarranted, it may be reversed, and you may still be responsible for the original transaction amount. We value transparency and fairness in handling disputes and aim to resolve issues in a manner that respects the interests of all parties involved.

Refunds for Promotional Offers

At Auckden, we occasionally offer promotional discounts and special offers on our products and services. These promotions are designed to provide additional value to our customers. However, please note that refunds for purchases made under promotional offers may be subject to specific terms and conditions. Generally, the discount applied during the promotion may not be refundable, and the refund amount may be adjusted accordingly.

When requesting a refund for a promotional purchase, please provide details of the promotion and the original price of the product or service. Our support team will review your request and determine the applicable refund amount based on the terms of the promotion. We strive to be fair and transparent in our refund calculations, ensuring that you receive the appropriate amount while respecting the conditions of the promotional offer.

If you have any questions about how a promotion affects your refund eligibility or the amount you can expect to receive, please contact our support team. We are here to help clarify any uncertainties and provide you with accurate information. Our goal is to ensure that you are satisfied with your purchase and understand the impact of any promotions on your refund request.

Refunds for Third-Party Purchases

In some cases, Auckden products and services may be purchased through third-party vendors or platforms. Refunds for purchases made through these third parties are subject to the refund policies of the respective vendor or platform. We recommend reviewing the refund policy of the third-party seller before making a purchase to understand your rights and options in case a refund is needed.

If you encounter any issues with a third-party purchase and need assistance, please contact the vendor directly. While we strive to work with reputable partners, we do not have control over their refund policies or processes. If the third-party vendor's policy does not resolve your concern, you may reach out to our support team for further assistance. We will do our best to help facilitate a resolution, but please note that our ability to intervene may be limited.

For purchases made directly through Auckden, our refund policy as outlined on this page will apply. We value your satisfaction and are committed to providing support for any issues that arise with our products and services. Whether purchased directly or through a third party, we aim to ensure that your experience with Auckden is positive and that any concerns are addressed promptly and fairly.

Contacting Customer Support

If you have any questions or need assistance with a refund request, our customer support team is here to help. You can reach out to us through various channels, including email, phone, or our online support portal. Our team is dedicated to providing timely and effective support to address your concerns and guide you through the refund process.

When contacting customer support, please provide detailed information about your purchase, including the order number, date of purchase, and the reason for your refund request. The more information you provide, the better equipped we will be to assist you and resolve your issue promptly. Our goal is to make the refund process as smooth and straightforward as possible.

We value your feedback and are always looking for ways to improve our services. If you have any suggestions or comments about our refund policy or customer support, please let us know. Your input is important to us and helps us enhance our offerings and better serve our customers. We appreciate your trust in Auckden and are committed to ensuring your satisfaction with our products and services.